Draw Anime Head: A Step-by-Step Guide

Anime, a popular style of animation originating from Japan, has captivated audiences worldwide with its distinctive art style and compelling storytelling. One of the most iconic elements of anime art is the way characters' heads and faces are drawn. Whether you are a beginner or an aspiring manga artist, learning to draw an anime head step by step can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. This guide will walk you through the process step by step, helping you understand the proportions, features, and nuances that define anime art.

Materials You'll Need

Before you start, gather the necessary materials. While you can draw digitally, this guide will assume you are using traditional tools:

Pencils (preferably mechanical for fine details)



Fine-tipped pens or markers (for inking)

Coloring materials (optional)

Step 1: Drawing the Basic Head Shape

Begin by sketching a circle. This will serve as the base of the head. It's important to draw lightly so you can easily make adjustments later. Once you have a circle, draw a vertical line down the middle. This line will help you maintain symmetry. Next, draw a horizontal line about one-third from the bottom of the circle. This will serve as a guide for the eyes.

Step 2: Defining the Jawline and Chin

From the bottom of the circle, draw two lines that angle downwards and meet at a point below the circle to form the chin. The shape of the jawline can vary depending on the character's gender and age. For a more masculine character, you might want to draw a broader jawline, while a more delicate, narrow jawline suits female characters or younger characters.

Step 3: Placing the Eyes

Anime eyes are one of the most defining features of the style. On the horizontal line you drew earlier, mark two spots equidistant from the vertical line. These marks indicate where the eyes will be placed. The size and shape of the eyes can vary widely depending on the character's expression and personality. Generally, anime eyes are larger and more expressive than realistic eyes.

Draw the upper and lower curves of the eyes around the marks you made. Add the pupils and irises, making sure to leave some white space for highlights, which give the eyes a more lively and shiny appearance. Eyelashes and eyebrows are added next; the eyebrows typically follow the curve of the upper eyelid but can vary in thickness and shape.

Step 4: Drawing the Nose and Mouth

The nose in anime art is usually minimalistic. Place it along the vertical guideline, about halfway between the horizontal eye line and the bottom of the chin. A small, simple dot or a short line is often enough to suggest the nose. For the mouth, draw a small horizontal line a bit above the chin. The mouth can be adjusted to reflect different expressions by changing its curvature and length.

Step 5: Adding the Ears

The ears are positioned on the sides of the head between the eye line and the nose line. Draw two small, curved shapes for the ears. The level of detail can vary; sometimes, a simple outline is sufficient, while other times you might want to add inner ear details.

Step 6: Sketching the Hair

Hair is another vital feature that can significantly define your character. Start by drawing the hairline, which is typically a bit above the eyes. From there, sketch the basic shape of the hairstyle you want. Anime hair often defies gravity, so feel free to experiment with dynamic and exaggerated styles. Once you have the outline, add more details such as individual strands and texture. Remember that hair should flow naturally and reflect the movement and direction.

Step 7: Refining Your Sketch

Now that you have the basic features in place, refine your sketch by darkening the final lines and erasing unnecessary guidelines. Pay attention to the proportions and make adjustments as needed. This step is crucial for ensuring that the head looks balanced and cohesive.

Step 8: Inking Your Drawing

If you plan to ink your drawing, use a fine-tipped pen or marker to carefully trace over your final pencil lines. Inking adds depth and clarity to your drawing, making it look cleaner and more polished. Be sure to let the ink dry completely before erasing any remaining pencil marks to avoid smudging.

Step 9: Adding Color (Optional)

Adding color can bring your anime character to life. Use colored pencils, markers, or digital tools to color your drawing. Start with the base colors and then add shading and highlights to create a sense of depth and dimension. Pay attention to light sources to ensure consistent shading throughout your artwork.

Tips for Improvement

Practice Regularly: Like any skill, drawing improves with practice. Try drawing heads from different angles and experimenting with various expressions and hairstyles.

Study Anime: Watch anime and study the art style. Pay attention to how different artists draw heads and faces. This can provide valuable insights and inspiration.

Use References: References can help you understand proportions and features better. Don’t hesitate to use them, especially when trying out new poses or angles.

Join Art Communities: Online communities and forums can be great places to get feedback, share your work, and learn from other artists. Platforms like DeviantArt, Instagram, and Reddit have active anime art communities.

Learn Anatomy: Understanding basic human anatomy can improve your ability to draw more realistic and proportionate characters. This knowledge can be especially useful when you want to break the rules of realism in a deliberate and stylistic way.

Be Patient: Drawing is a skill that takes time to develop. Be patient with yourself and don’t get discouraged by mistakes. Every drawing is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Drawing an anime head step by step is a foundational skill that can open the door to creating your own characters and stories. By following these steps and practicing regularly, you can develop your unique style and bring your characters to life. Remember to have fun and enjoy the creative process. Happy drawing!


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